– How do I start to play a Blooket Game? – How do I start to play a Blooket Game?

If you have been given a Blooket code, PIN or Blooket Game ID, by a teacher or a host, then you are ready to join a blooket game. How it works: teacher chooses a question set and also a game mode. Then, generates a code which players can use to join and play the game on their mobile phones or laptops.

This is how you play a Blooket game:

  1. Go to, the Blooket Play page. If it is not opening then you wrote the web address wrong. It is or, and NOT https://blooket/play.
  2. Enter the Blooket code in the the Game ID field and click on the arrow.
  3. You will now join the Blooket game.

How can I play a Blooket game by myself?

If you want to play a Blooket game alone, completely on your own, then you can. You can do so by creating your own Blooket game.

This is how you play Blooket games alone:

  1. Visit to sign up for a free Blooket account. Sign up with yout Gmail or another email address.
  2. Choose a Username and Password.
  3. Log in to your new Blooket account at and click on “Create Game” on the Blooket dashboard.
  4. Choose from different game modes, like “Tower Defense” or “Snake.”You can import question sets from Quizlet.
  5. When the game has been created, you can play it alone by yourself, or  you can share the code with others that may join you.

Alternatively, to play Blooket on your own, do the following:

  1. Log in to your Blooket account.
  2. In the Blooket Dashboard, click on ‘Discover’, the round compass icon on the top of the screen.
  3. Clickon a game you like.
  4. Click on ‘Solo’.
  5. Choose a Game Mode.
  6. Click on Start.

blooket play

A number of Blooket codes exist that allow you to join games by yourself from the webpage.

Read more about free Blooket Codes here.

david smith

David Smith

Hello, David Smith. I'm an avid gamer, and writer of several blogs about Blooket, Online Learning platforms and Social Media. After 10 years working as a teacher, online lecturer, and copywriter, I decided the start this website and others, to spread my knowledge about children's learning platforms.

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